General Education Program
Purpose of General Education
The general education program at Western Nebraska Community College is designed to broaden the student as a person. The general education experience for students in Associate of Arts (AA), Associate of Science (AS), and Associate of Fine Arts (AFA) degree programs is composed of a comprehensive set of choices in communications, mathematics, sciences, social science, and the humanities, preparing students for citizenship in a diverse, global environment; taking their roles in society as citizens and professionals; and transfer to other colleges.
Students in Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Associate Degree of Nursing (AD-N), diploma, and certificate programs take transferable and nontransferable general education courses designed to prepare them for their roles in society as citizens, technicians, and professionals. Their avenues for employment are enhanced by the general education experience.
Each degree offering has different general education requirements, and students should be aware of the requirements for their degree program. Please see the listings following in this section.
General Education Philosophy
WNCC recognizes that student-learning goals may change during a lifetime; therefore, the general education requirements for all degrees are collegiate in nature and, as such, should provide an academic foundation for lifelong learning.
Additionally, the general education experience prepares students for the lifelong learning required for success, enriches the student’s general life perspectives, and promotes competence in and understanding various fields of knowledge.
Since not all students come to college prepared for this level of endeavor, developmental courses are provided to assist the student in gaining the requisite skills.
Goals of the General Education Program
As a result of the general education experience, award seeking students develop and improve the following skills and abilities to college-level performance:
Communication - including effective written and oral skills
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving - including information literacy and mathematical and scientific inquiry
Humanities and/or Fine Arts Awareness - including literature, language, philosophy, an appreciation for the arts, and humanities
Cultural and Civic Awareness - including ethics, diversity, and global issues
Personal Development - including mental and physical wellness, leadership, teamwork, and lifelong learning skills
Professional Skill Awards
Total Credits
Professional Skill Awards require completion of four (4) to fifteen (15) credit hours of skill-specific courses. It is intended that the Professional Skill Awards will be completed in one semester and be tied to an industry-recognized credential leading to employment.
Financial aid is typically not available for programs requiring fewer the 16 credit hours. However, students should consult with the Financial Aid Office for more information.
General Education Requirements
No general education courses are required for Professional Skill Awards.
Certificate Programs
Total Credits
Certificate programs typically require 16-23 credits of required courses from a curriculum found in the College Catalog. There are exceptions, with some programs requiring additional credits of coursework.
Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count toward the total credits required to earn a certificate.
Programs requiring 16 or more credits are eligible for federal financial aid. Students should consult with the Financial Aid Office for more information.
General Education Requirements
No general education courses are required for certificate programs.
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will select a specific emphasis area of interest with a curriculum of courses required to complete a certificate program.
Program Specific Coursework 16-23 credits
Total Credits for Certificate 16-23 credits
Diploma Programs
Total Credits
Diplomas require a minimum of 24-48 credits of courses from a suggested curriculum list appearing in the College Catalog. There are exceptions, with some programs requiring additional credits of coursework.
Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count as a part of the total credits.
General Education Requirements
Students must take nine to ten (9-11) credits of general education requirements including the following: three (3) credits of written communication, three to four (3-4) credits of quantitative reasoning, and three (3) additional credits from either oral communication, personal development, lab science, or social science electives.
General Education Requirements:
Written Communication
(3 credits selected from the list) Quantitative Reasoning
(3-4 credits selected from the list) Any three (3) additional credits from the following four (4) categories:
Social Science
Choose from: - ANTH (Anthropology)
- ECON (Economics)
- HIST (History)
- POLS (Political Science)
- PSYC (Psychology)
- SOCI (Sociology)
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will select a specific emphasis area of interest with a curriculum of courses required to complete a diploma program. Program Specific Coursework: 13-39 Credits
Total Credits for Diploma: 24-48 Credits
Associate Degree of Nursing (AD-N)
The Associate Degree of Nursing (AD-N) requires successful completion of 72 credit hours of nursing and general education courses. After successful completion of the AD-N program, graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for the Registered Nurse.
Total Credits
The Associate Degree of Nursing requires 72 credit hours. The student must successfully complete 22 credits of general education / prerequisite requirements (see link below) and be College Algebra ready for the program. Fifty (50) hours of program specific coursework is required.
General Education Requirements
Students must complete 18 credits as described below:
The Associate Degree of Nursing (AD-N) requires successful completion of 72 credit hours of nursing and general education courses. After successful completion of the AD-N program, graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for the Registered Nurse.
Total Credits
The Associate Degree of Nursing requires 72 credit hours. The student must successfully complete 22 credits of general education / prerequisite requirements (see link below) and be College Algebra ready for the program. Fifty (50) hours of program specific coursework is required.
General Education Total Credits: 18 Credits
Written Communication
(3 Credits) Quantitative Reasoning
(4 Credits) Social Science
(3 Credits) Additional Prerequisite Courses
Total Additional Prerequisite Courses: 4 Credits
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will be required to complete program specific coursework after completing all prerequisites and being accepted to the AD-N program. Program Specific Coursework: 50 Credits
Minimum Total Credits for AD-N: 72 Credits
Associate of Applied Science Degree (AAS)
The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree primarily prepares students for careers in a variety of technical and vocational areas: applied technologies, business, health, and the social sciences. In most instances, students are also able to transfer all or part of the credits earned for an AAS degree to a bachelor’s degree-granting institution.
Total Credits
All associate degrees require a minimum of 60 credit credits. To qualify for the AAS, the student must successfully complete the following required general education requirements (15-17 credits), as well as a minimum of 43-45 credits of College-approved program specific coursework within an emphasis area.
In some cases, students may be required to complete developmental courses prior to taking certain other courses. Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count as part of the total credits for the Associate of Applied Science degree.
General Education Requirements
Students must select one course from each of the five categories below for a total of 15-17 credits:
The Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree primarily prepares students for careers in a variety of technical and vocational areas: applied technologies, business, health, and the social sciences. In most instances, students are also able to transfer all or part of the credits earned for an AAS degree to a bachelor’s degree-granting institution.
Total Credits
All associate degrees require a minimum of 60 credit hours. To qualify for the AAS, the student must successfully complete the following required general education requirements (15-17 credits), as well as a minimum of 43-45 credits of College-approved program specific coursework within an emphasis area.
In some cases, students may be required to complete developmental courses prior to taking certain other courses. Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count as part of the total credits for the Associate of Applied Science degree.
General Education: 15-17 Credits
Students must select one course from each of the five categories below for a total of 15-17 credits: Written Communication
(3 credits selected from the list) Oral Communication
(3 credits selected from the list) Quantitative Reasoning
(3-4 credits selected from the list) Personal Development
(3 credits selected from the list) Three (3) to four (4) credits must be selected from one of the following two areas:
Social Science
Choose from: - ANTH (Anthropology)
- ECON (Economics)
- HIST (History)
- POLS (Political Science)
- PSYC (Psychology)
- SOCI (Sociology)
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will select a specific emphasis area of interest in which they will complete a specific recommended curriculum to complete an AAS degree. Program Specific Coursework: 43-45 Credits
Minimum Total Credits for AAS: 60 Credits
Associate of Arts Degree (AA) and Associate of Fine Arts Degree (AFA)
An Associate of Arts (AA) degree and the Associate of Fine Arts degree prepare students for careers and/or advanced study at a four-year college or university.
Total Credits
All associate degrees require a minimum of 60 credit credits. To qualify for the AA or AFA, the student must successfully complete the following required general education requirements (31 credits), as well as a minimum of 29 credits of College-approved program specific coursework within an emphasis area.
In some cases, students may be required to complete developmental courses prior to taking certain other courses. Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count as part of the total credits for the AA or AFA degrees.
General Education Requirements
The general education requirements for associate degrees at WNCC are consistent with the College’s philosophy statement and role and mission statement, which state that all students should demonstrate competencies that will allow them to seek higher education, participate as an active member in society, or achieve responsible careers in a contemporary work environment. More specifically, students in career-oriented areas should be able to communicate, calculate, evaluate, and understand the social and scientific implications of the world around them. Students seeking transfer to a baccalaureate program should complete a general education requirement, which is broad in scope and requires an in-depth level of inquiry.
General Education Total Credits: 31 Credits
The general education requirements for associate degrees at WNCC are consistent with the College’s philosophy statement and role and mission statement, which state that all students should demonstrate competencies that will allow them to seek higher education, participate as an active member in society, or achieve responsible careers in a contemporary work environment. More specifically, students in career-oriented areas should be able to communicate, calculate, evaluate, and understand the social and scientific implications of the world around them. Students seeking transfer to a baccalaureate program should complete a general education requirement, which is broad in scope and requires an in-depth level of inquiry. Written Communication
(6 Credits) Oral Communication
(3 Credits) Humanities
(6 Credits from 2 Different Alphas) Choose from: Math
(3 Credits) Choose from: Lab Science
(4 Credits from One Area) Choose from: - Any BIOS w/ Lab Credits: 4
- Any CHEM w/ Lab Credits: 4
- Any PHYS w/ Lab Credits: 4
Personal Development
(3 Credits) Social Science
(6 Credits from 2 Different Alphas) ECON / Political Science / History:
Race / Ethnicity / Gender:
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will select a specific emphasis area of interest in which they will complete a specific recommended curriculum to complete an AFA degree. Program Specific Coursework: 29 Credits
Minimum Total Credits for AFA: 60 Credits
Associate of Science Degree (AS)
An Associate of Science (AS) degree prepares students for careers and/or advanced study at a four-year college or university.
These institutions have their own requirements for a bachelor’s degree to be completed at transfer institution. Students who plan to transfer to a four-year college or university should consult their faculty advisor and transfer advisor early in their WNCC enrollment to determine their curriculum to best meet future needs. In addition, it is advisable to look at possible transfer institutions to compare and align what they look for in their first two-years with what is offered at WNCC. Creating the closest match possible will facilitate a smooth transition from WNCC to the receiving/transfer institution.
Total Credits
All associate degrees require a minimum of 60 credit credits. To qualify for the AS, the student must successfully complete the following required general education requirements (33 credits), as well as a minimum of 27 credits of College-approved program specific coursework within an emphasis area.
In some cases, students may be required to complete developmental courses prior to taking certain other courses. Courses numbered below the 1000-level do not count as part of the total credits for the Associate of Science degree.
General Education Requirements
The general education requirements for associate degrees at WNCC are consistent with the College’s philosophy statement and role and mission statement, which state that all students should demonstrate competencies that will allow them to seek higher education, participate as an active member in society, or achieve responsible careers in a contemporary work environment. More specifically, students in career-oriented areas should be able to communicate, calculate, evaluate, and understand the social and scientific implications of the world around them. Students seeking transfer to a baccalaureate program should complete a general education requirement, which is broad in scope and requires an in-depth level of inquiry.
General Education Total Credits: 33 Credits
Written Communication: 6 Credits
Oral Communication: 3 Credits
Humanities: 3 Credits
Choose from: Math: 3 Credits
(3 Credits) (15-16 combined Science/Math credit minimum requirement for AS degree) Choose from: Lab Science: 4 Credits from one alpha
(15-16 combined Science/Math credit minimum requirement for AS degree) Choose from: - Any BIOS w/ Lab Credits: 4
- Any CHEM w/ Lab Credits: 4
- Any PHYS w/ Lab Credits: 4
Personal Development: 3 Credits
Social Science: 3 Credits
ECON / Political Science / History:
Race / Ethnicity / Gender:
Required Program Specific Coursework
Students will select a specific emphasis area of interest in which they will complete a specific recommended curriculum to complete an AS degree. Program Specific Coursework: 27 Credits
Minimum Total Credits for AS: 60 Credits