Feb 09, 2025  
2023-2024 WNCC College Catalog 
2023-2024 WNCC College Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading Policies

Academic Amnesty

A student returning to WNCC after a period of absence may petition the Chief Student Services Officer to have a maximum of two (2) semesters of coursework removed from the calculation of their cumulative grade point average (GPA) and degree credit provided the following conditions apply:

  1. At least three (3) years have lapsed since the time of the semester(s) being petitioned, and
  2. Since returning, the student has completed at least 12 consecutive credits of college-level courses with a GPA of 2.75 or above or 24 consecutive credits with a GPA of 2.25 or above.

Semesters and courses applied to previously earned WNCC degrees, diplomas, or certificates are not eligible for academic amnesty.

If approved, the courses and grades of the semester(s) affected appear on the student’s academic transcript with the notation that academic amnesty was granted. All credits and grades taken during the semester(s) for which academic amnesty is approved are subject to amnesty. A student may receive academic amnesty only once and it is irrevocable.

Since academic amnesty may affect financial aid awards, students receiving financial aid should contact the Financial Aid Office prior to applying for amnesty.

Academic Honors

President’s and Dean’s Lists

A President’s List, issued at the end of each regular semester, contains the names of all students who have completed at least 12 credits of college-level courses (numbered 1000 or higher) and other degree-required courses (as required for the AA, AS, AD-N, AFA, and AAS degrees) with a 4.0 grade point average.

A Dean’s List is also issued at the end of each regular semester and contains the names of all students who have completed at least 12 credits of college-level courses (numbered 1000 or higher) and other degree-required courses (as required for the AA, AS, AD-N, AFA, and AAS degrees) with a 3.4 to 3.99 grade point average.

Graduating with Honors

Students graduating with a GPA of 3.4 to 3.99 in college-level courses (numbered 1000 or higher) and other degree-required courses are recognized as “Graduating with Honors.” Students graduating with a GPA of 4.0 in college-level courses (numbered 1000 or higher) or other degree-required courses are recognized as “Graduating with High Honors.” Students graduating with honors or high honors are acknowledged during the commencement ceremony each spring.

Academic Probation & Suspension

Western Nebraska Community College is committed to the academic success of its students. To this end, students are expected to make sufficient academic progress to achieve their educational goals. A student’s grade point average (GPA) is used to evaluate this progress.

Students are making satisfactory progress and in good academic standing if they have a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher. This progress is evaluated at the end of each academic term (fall, spring, and summer), at which time the Registrar will notify students in writing if they have failed to maintain good academic standing.

The College reserves the right to limit the course load of any student experiencing academic difficulty and to recommend changes in the curriculum assigned.

Academic Probation

A student will be placed on academic probation when their cumulative GPA falls below a 2.0. To continue enrollment, the student will be required to meet with their academic advisor and develop a course of action to move forward academically.

Extended Academic Probation

If a student on academic probation earns a semester GPA of 2.0 or better but still has a cumulative GPA below a 2.0, the student will be placed on extended academic probation. To continue enrollment, the student will be required to meet with their academic advisor and develop a course of action to move forward academically.

A student is removed from academic probation or extended academic probation when both the cumulative and semester GPAs are above a 2.0.

Academic Suspension

A student is placed on academic suspension if they have been on academic probation for one semester and both the semester and cumulative GPAs remain below a 2.0 in the semester following the student’s placement on academic probation. A student who has been academically suspended from the College will not be allowed to register for classes at any site or via any modality for at least one academic semester, not including the summer term, immediately following suspension.

The statuses of academic probation, extended academic probation, or academic suspension are not appealable.

Academic Reinstatement

After being academically suspended and to seek re-enrollment at WNCC, the student must submit a petition to the Registrar (registrar@wncc.edu), who convenes the Academic Appeals Committee, to be considered for reinstatement. The petition must be received in the Registrar’s Office 14 days prior to the start of the academic semester.

If a student is reinstated, they will be placed on extended academic probation and required to meet the conditions indicated above. If a student is denied reinstatement, they may appeal the decision to the Chief Academic Officer.

If a student fails to raise both their semester and cumulative GPA above a 2.0 after being reinstated, the student will once again be suspended from the College. A student who drops all classes or withdraws completely from the College in the first semester back after reinstatement also will be resuspended from the College.

(Financial aid and athletic eligibility rules are not equivalent to the above rules of scholastic eligibility.)


Students who choose to audit a class must pay regular tuition but are not required to complete course requirements unless they so desire. Credits are not included in the student’s total of completed courses. This option must be declared in the first two (2) weeks of each regular semester (i.e., fall or spring) after consulting with the instructor.

Consequences of Withdrawing from Class

The student receives a grade of “W” at the time of withdrawal from a class. This grade can be given only during the semester in which the student officially withdraws; it cannot be given retroactively. A posted grade of “W” cannot be changed to another grade later.

Students who fail to withdraw officially receive a grade of “F.” Withdrawal from individual classes after the official withdrawal period is not permitted unless a student withdraws from the College or the student completes the “Appeal for W Grade after Last Day to Drop” form available in the Registrar’s Office.

Directed Individual Study

Directed individual study (DIS) is designed to allow regularly enrolled students to pursue, for college credit, subject areas of interest outside of the existing College course structure. Directed individual study is intended to provide valuable experience in self-education, with faculty assistance in planning and evaluation.

Once arranged and approved, directed study courses become part of the student’s course load and are subject to regular tuition and fee rates. Specific limitations and required conditions for directed study include the following:

  • An individual student must demonstrate interest in and need for the study and arrange for a qualified instructor to sponsor it.
  • A student must have a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and permission of the instructor to enroll in a DIS.
  • The student must enroll at WNCC. Regular tuition and fees are paid for directed study credits.
  • Each credit of directed study requires a student to spend time at least equivalent to that expected in a regular course involving fifteen (15) contact credits per semester.
  • A DIS course must not be taken for audit.
  • The student may not receive credit for more than a total of twelve (12) credits of directed study while at WNCC.

Grade Appeals

Students may appeal the final grade in a course in accordance with the stipulations outlined below. The student must initiate such an appeal no later than three (3) weeks after the day final grades are posted.

A student who questions their final course grade must adhere to the following steps in the order presented:

Step 1: Discuss the matter with their instructor. Clerical errors are usually handled in this manner, with the instructor signing the correction of official records. If the student believes the problem is not resolved, the student may then go to Step 2.

Step 2: Visit with the appropriate division chair to discuss the issue. If the concern remains unresolved, the student may continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Elect to file a written grade appeal to the Dean of Instruction for referral to the Peer Review Committee.

A formal grade appeal may not be filed until Steps 1 and 2 above have been completed.

A formal grade appeal may be filed if:

  • There is a dispute over the numerical calculation of the grade, or
  • The grade assigned appears arbitrary and not indicative of the student’s performance.

Students who question an instructor’s personal treatment of the student may discuss the matter with the Chief Student Services Officer as described in the Student Handbook.

GPA Computation

Grade point averages (GPA) are computed on all credits taken at WNCC excluding those courses awarded through nontraditional credit or taken on a Pass/No Pass basis.

Grading System

A+   4.00
A Highest Achievement 4.00
A-   3.67
B+   3.33
B Above Average Achievement 3.00
B-   2.67
C+   2.33
C Average Achievement 2.00
C-   1.67
D+   1.33
D Below Average, but passing 1.00
D-   0.67
F Failure to meet minimum requirements 0.00
P Passing, credit granted No effect
NP Not passing, no credit granted No effect
CR Nontraditional credit No effect
I Incomplete No effect; 0.00 if unresolved
W Official Withdrawal No effect
E Emergent Institutional Situation (by Presidential authorization) No effect
AU Audit No effect

Grading Scales

Students will find grading information specific to each class in the syllabus received at the beginning of the semester. Health Sciences is the only division to specify a grading scale to use within all of its courses.

Health Sciences Grading Scale

The following grading scale is used specifically within Health Sciences programs.

A+ 98-100
A 95-97
A- 91-94
B+ 88-90
B 85-87
B- 81-84
C+ 78-80
C 75-77
C- 71-74
D+ 68-70
D 65-67
D- 61-64
F 60 and less

Incomplete Work

Students who are unable to complete a course because of unusual circumstances may request a status of “incomplete” after consulting with the instructor. If approved, coursework requirements must be completed satisfactorily no later than 90 days after the last day to enter grades for the semester or the incomplete status reverts to an “F.” This applies to all courses, including online and directed study courses. Instructors have the right to extend the course completion period beyond 90 days if necessary. A status of “Incomplete” converts to a failing grade and is calculated in the student’s grade point average if it is not completed within the prescribed period of time.

Student Classification

A full-time student is defined as one taking 12 or more credits per semester.